**International Association of Near Death Studies
For many high-profile Experiencers it took years before they were able
to put the pieces together, and many still question. The reason for that is
that we might be dealing with beings who seemingly have control over
time and space and aren’t bound by the same earthly rules as are we.
Come Listen & Share…... Experiencers are classified as those who have had:
• Near Death Experience (NDE)
• REAL Death Experience (RDE)
• Out of Body Experience (OB)
• Visual or subtle instances of spirit contact (SC)
• Contact with alien entities (AC)
• Exposure to any parapsychological phenomenon
• Exploration of scientifically unproven “non-human” or unexplained encounters
• Also welcomed are those who will be non-judgmental and wish to learn or research these areas of interest
*****Meetings: 1st Tuesday of each month from 5 to 6:30 p.m. ******
Residents of Carmel, Carmel Highlands, Big Sur, Carmel Valley,
Pacific Grove, Monterey, Seaside and Marina are welcomed in person.
Others are invited to join via Zoom. Zoom link will be sent 24 hours in advance.
1- No fee
2- Coffee, tea and water will be served (no charge to participants)
3- We ask attendees to refrain from bringing any food items with them.
To join this group you will need to first have a conversation,
text or email exchange
with Dr. Fiorentino, her Phone/Text: 831 626-6565
Call or Text 831 626-6565 should you like to attend.
Or click the yellow button below and email Dr. Fiorentino
You'll be then given the location